Top Five Dog Breeds Who Love to Play Outdoors

Top Five Dog Breeds

If you love spending time in the great outdoors and are considering adding a fur-legged friend to your family this blog is for you. Making sure you find a dog that enjoys spending time outside as much as you do is important. Although all dog breeds enjoy time outside, some are better built for this and have different characteristics which will allow them to keep up with you and your family. Below is a list of the top five dog breeds who will enjoy outdoor exploring as much as you do. The Labrador Retriever is originally from Newfoundland and bred …

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Help! My Dog Ate Chocolate!

My Dog Ate Chocolate

We all know that the only time we should use the words chocolate and dog in the same sentence is when we use them to identify a “Chocolate Lab.” Chocolate, although a delicious treat for humans, is a never something that a dog should eat. The reason is because chocolate contains theobromine, a caffeinelike molecule that increases blood flow to the brain. This is highly toxic for dogs and could lead to poisoning. Although most dogs do not eat enough chocolate to die, many will consume enough that can make them very ill. Physical Signs/Symptoms that Your Dog Ate Chocolate …

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