Correcting Bad Habits in Your Pup

Pups might be soft and fluffy and loving and represent everything good about the world. However, believe it or not, sometimes, they can be less than perfect.  Sometimes, they exhibit less-than-pleasant behavior and the best move in situations like this is to nip it in the bud.  You don’t want your once-adorable puppy growing up to become a misbehaving adult. So, here’s are 5 tips to help with correcting bad habits in your pup:  Training Well-trained pups seldom exhibit bad behavior, so training is key. Commands like ‘come’, ‘sit’, ‘lie down, are the building blocks for encouraging good behavior.  Using …

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How To Encourage Healthy Feeding Habits in Your Pup

Feeding your pet with a healthy diet has many benefits in the short run as well as the distant future. A great diet keeps your pet in top shape and protects them from a range of chronic ailments.  Your pet’s diet extends beyond what you give them at mealtimes. It is a sum total of all the treats, table scraps, random food tosses, and of course, the main meals too.  Proper feeding is essential to ensuring that your pet lives a long, healthy life. This is why encouraging healthy feeding habits is essential. And here are 4 tips to do …

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