Dog Allergies Detection 101

Dogs experience allergic reactions to various things. While these allergies are typically not life-threatening, they do cause a measure of discomfort.  Allergies in pups are not quite as simple to pinpoint as in humans. It takes strong observation skills, and even afterward, there is a range of allergies that could cause your dog’s symptoms.  Common Symptoms of Allergies  Here are some of the commonly noticed allergy symptoms in pips:  Constant licking Diarrhea Sneezing/ wheezing  Inflamed skin Incessant scratching  Swellings of lips, ear flaps, or other parts of the face Periodic chewing on body parts  Hives  Fur loss/ skin irritation  Allergies …

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Top 5 Ways to Help Your Pup Overcome Separation Anxiety

Equipping your pup to deal with your occasional absences is a vital part of the training process. The alternative to this is a pup going berserk once you step inside the house.  Pups with separation anxiety usually need an outlet for their anxiety, and this might not bode well for you. Some of the most common indications are: Howling, barking, and whining.  Destructive chewing.  Scratching and digging at windows and doors in a bid to find their owners.  Defecation and urination; even in house-trained pets.   To help your pup get through this and adjust to the idea of your absence. …

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